Specialty Programs

At Child & Family Guidance Center, we understand that some individuals face unique challenges and require specialized support. Our specialty programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of those individuals.

For Adults

ACT - Assertive Community Treatment

Using a person-centered, recovery-based approach to individuals who have been diagnosed with severe and persistent mental illness, the Child & Family ACT team works to help keep adults living with serious mental illness out of area psychiatric hospitals and stable in their homes.

OCR - Outpatient Competency Restoration

Through a blend of therapeutic interventions, psychiatric care, and personalized treatment plans, the Outpatient Competency Restoration program works collaboratively with clients deemed unfit to stand trial to address legal competency concerns while fostering holistic well-being.

For Children and Teens

YES Waiver - Youth Empowerment Services

The YES (Youth Empowerment Services) Waiver program is a lifeline for families navigating the complex landscape of caring for children with emotional or behavioral challenges. Through tailored services and support, the YES Waiver empowers families to access the resources they need to thrive.