Summer Bash 2024

July 20, 10am-12pm

8915 Harry Hines Blvd

Join us for a family-friendly community event at our main clinic on Harry Hines. We’ll have pizza, sno-cones, games, giveaways, screenings, arts & crafts, prizes, school supplies (while they last) and more! And it’s all FREE! Anyone and everyone is welcome.

Be sure to register below, so we know you’re coming!

This event is made possible by our generous donors. If you’re interested in sponsoring the event, donating supplies or volunteering, click below.

We look forward to seeing everyone on the 20th!

Sponsorships & Donations

We’re looking for sponsors who will help make this event as exciting as possible for our clients and community! Please email to learn more about different opportunities.

We are also asking for donations for our event including individually wrapped snacks and drinks such as. You can donate at any of our 9 clinics during business hours. To make a financial donation, please click here.

Thank you for your support in helping make this event as enjoyable and resourceful for our clients and guests!


If you are interested in volunteering for the event, please fill out our form by clicking here. Some duties will include:

  • Setup

  • Take-down and cleaning

  • Checking guests in

  • Organizing school supplies & giveaway items

  • Other duties as assigned

Thank you for your help! Our volunteers help ensure that our guests have the best experience. We could not do it without you!